
Factuality: the quality of being actual or based on fact.

In data science, Factuality is the measurable capacity of a large language model to create output aligned with proven facts, and allows for a number of measurements to evaluate how factual, any output actually is.

We can use similar measurements and processes to evaluate the causes of us being where we are, as opposed to where we want to be, and make some changes to get us to where we want to be.

Data comes from People, Process, Technology. If your data doesn't look right...

Let's Do Data
I’ve been looking at data for more than 25 years, and I find the same patterns everywhere.

Data health is a very good indicator of the health of a business.

If the data looks weird, then the business is doing something weird.

data is fixed in isolation it will not stay fixed. Without somehow changing people, processes or technologies, it will go back to the way it was before.

To fix it properly, we have to take a look at where it is coming from and what it is being used for.

I start by identifying and agreeing clearly defined objectives. I talk to the business leaders to understand your what they would like to achieve, and the things that concern them. I look to start with the easy stuff that gives the biggest wins first.


I create a plan so that people have the capacity and capability to work on the right things, in the right order. This is the enhancement of business processes, people, and technologies in order to achieve the desired, measurable outcomes.

Then we track the progress against those objectives.


Finally, we look at the changes that have been made, and whether the business is satisfied with the results. After this, we can look at keeping everything in a good place, but needs change, so we will want to circle back and look at objectives again.

About Me

I’m Chris Williams, and I’m here to help you reach the success that you want to achieve. I’ve been helping businesses become more efficient and successful for more than 25 years, and I have worked in many sectors, for global companies, and for smaller businesses.

My philosophy is to offer approaches and skills that make decisions and actions more effective, and to provide any support needed to help those that I work with thrive.

Experience & Education

I’ve worked with data and processes for business partners in more than 20 countries, bringing change and improvement where these things are needed.

This has included data strategies , the foundations for data science, dozens of ERP migrations, harmonisation of complex, customised CRM instances, the creation of governance teams and processes, the implementation of data management and governance solutions, helping a business to Sarbanes Oxley compliance throughout its listing, and the delivery of GDPR processes for two businesses.

What this has shown me is not only that the same problems crop up in all businesses, and that similar approaches can be used, to different degrees to resolve those problems.

I build trusting relationships with those I work with. I give my colleagues the space to get things done, and to question and problem solve and I support them in achieving success.

I am comfortable with challenging the status quo, honest, tenacious and never falter regardless of the challenge presented.


By looking at how things are and understanding how they got that way, we can understand the things we need to do to deliver change.